Anti-ageing food for your skin
Antioxidants play a big role in the human health, as we all know, it flushes out the toxins from the body and keeps it clean. In addition it has a big effect in slowing down the ageing process.
Food that I eat
I like eating healthy food and I enjoy the taste of it.
Eating healthy is easier said than done, some time I can't avoid unhealthy food when I am out. I love enjoying life, so from time to time I will eat unhealthy, but I make it up always by getting back on track.
Here are some of the things that I love eating, and which I add to my diet. It helps my skin to look young and healthy.
All kind of berries. Like strawberries, blueberries blackberries, and raspberries.
They are good sources of antioxidants, which aid in protecting my skin and body from natural ageing.
Avocados are the best anti-ageing food, as they contain significant amounts of vitamin (E) which prevents ageing and create a healthy glowing skin.
Furthermore avocado contains mono-saturatcd fats that help to decrease the bad cholesterol and lowers the toxin level in your body. I also sometimes use it as a facial mask.
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts are rich in antioxidants. Helps in dealing with the damaged free radicals in our body.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables in general are rich in fiber and vitamins.
They help to combat cancer and toxin. Additionally they are rich in vitamin (C) which rejuvenates collagen and elastin.
I avoid as much as possible eating garlic. It taste amazingly good although it smells very badly, especially if you are on a night out. That said, I use it in cooking where it adds a great flavour to the food and little of it doesn't hurt anyway.
Garlic is a useful herb because it eliminates heavy metals from the body.
I love eating nuts, either adding it to my morning yoghurt or as a snack, but I always eat the natural ones - not the ones that are salted or roasted.
They contain a good amount of minerals, good fats, and antioxidant. They boosts up your immune system too.
Green tea
Green tea is a great anti-aging drink, which is rich in tannic acid and aids in maintaining alluring healthy skin.
If you drink around 5 cups per day it also improves your weight.
Spinach is rich in lutein, it helps with your skin hydration and gradually gives glowing skin, making you appeal young and pretty.
Watermelons are really effective anti-aging food as they have many nutritions like zinc, essentials fats, selenium, vitamin E, C and A.
And they do taste really good too.
If you don't love drinking water, please love it now.
I myself forget to drink water sometimes and its not a good habit - but I try to remember as much as possible.
You must keep your skin hydrated always.
Water helps to eliminate unwanted waste and toxin.
Great news for wine lovers, I love drinking wine myself - my favourite is white wine.
Wine contains catechin and preservatives that also helps with anti-aging.
Hope you enjoyed reading leave a comment below please and enjoy a healthy alluring skin.