Sunday, 8 November 2015

Butterfly Garden

Butterfly Garden 

I was on a day trip today with my family to the Butterfly Garden. It was great  to see so many different kind of butterflies, but was also very sad to see how many butterflies people killed to make with them pictures in stead of leaving them flying around with many beautiful colors.

captured butterflies

And this (the above) is nothing, there is a big huge room full of photos like that with several thousand dead beautiful butterflies.

Big signs say don't touch the butterflies and even the employee's who supposed protect the rules they were touching the butterflies and many of them couldn't fly anymore. I believe nature shouldn't be captured in a prison.

However I loved watching them,  butterflies are  elegant  filled with grace beauty and magic. It create great energy watching them flying around, lending on flowers, but I was really scared if they would land on me as they are after-all a kind of an insect and I am terrified of insects...LOL. I can stand next to a lion but not to spider. I would leave the whole house to the spider and walk out ahahahahah they are so not  some thing attractive for the eyes to see.

butterfly garden 

journey of freedom

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